Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yes, I took a few days off

to work on my son's driving......and boy, am I paying for it. OY. But, in the long run, I hope it will be worth it.



I've actually got the beginning of Chapter 25 started.........that was a fluke, but it's there....

Off I go to get something to eat.......

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's 1:30 now & I better get moving.....

I took yesterday off because my youngest son was SUPPOSED to have had his driving test to get his driver's license. It didn't work out though. Long story short: he borrowed his brother's car to use because the one he's going to use to drive wouldn't pass the exam the examiner gives. Well, his brother's failed too, at the last minute. It seems that when you turn on the turn signal, his brother's brake lights DON'T WORK....... so now, his test is delayed until 7/30, and his permit expires 7/31..... URGGGGGGGGGGGG.

And, I was in soooooo much pain yesterday, I couldn't think straight enough to string 2 words together, much less 2 letters to make a word. Oh well. I'll make up for it today, I'm sure. I got 9 hours of sleep last night. :-)

Off to work I go!!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Off to work I go,

but I just thought I'd post the fact that I am actually halfway done with Chapter 24 now......

I am sooooooo REVVED up! I can see the end of the book in sight now!



Monday, July 21, 2008

It's 2 a.m., and I've gotten a good deal done.....

considering that I had to go driving with my youngest son today. His final driving test is on this coming Wednesday. *SIGH* (knock on wood)

Anyway, I'm about 5 pages into Chapter 24 now, which is really pretty good, because I was TRYING to write it as he was driving......THAT is DIFFICULT. Have you EVER tried to concentrate on writing then? It's next to impossible!!! Uh, NOT!!! *SIGH*

and yes, I've added another twist to the story that NO ONE will expect........hheeheheheeeee

It's bedtime for me now.......yawn!!!



Whew! Chapter 23 is DONE!!!

I wondered if I'd ever finish this chapter......it was almost haunting me. But, I've had other things going on, too, at the same time. So, it wasn't too surprising that it's just been languishing for a while now. But now, it's FINISHED!!!! YEAH!!!!

I've already started Chapter 24.......onward I must go!!!!

Now, however, it's time to go driving with my youngest son. *SIGH* He has passed the written portion of his driving exam. But he needs to practice the DRIVING portion of the driving test. *EYEROLL* And guess who gets to help him? Moi. Of course. If only I had a fifth of Jack handy.....Just kidding. He's not that bad of a driver, really. It's just nerve-wracking is all.



Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Disappointment

Well, my first bid at Elance.com was declined, so I am bummed out. :-( But that doesn't mean I am going to give up. I have a second bid in there, and I am looking at another one right now. By the heavens, I am going to get hired, and get feedback, and DO WELL. I HAVE TO.

I've been working on some articles that I'm thinking about posting on Helium. I want to chheckout their Marketplace opportunities before I go to bed tonight, and see what there is. Hmmm. I'll go finish that ELance bid, then I will go back to Helium...

Right now, my Helium writing star ranking is fluctuating between one & two stars because of the percentile rankings of some of my articles. Hmmm. It seems that if my writing percentage is at 85% or above, I get an extra star. If it falls below, I lose it. So, it wavers. I really need to write 10 more articles to make sure that I KEEP that second star...



Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Second Day

Well, gee whiz, blogging isn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be. I'm going to start listing the writing websites I've been visiting, too, so that I have a backup other than what's on my hard drive.

The more I write, the happier I am!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Book #3........it's almost done

I have no idea what I'm going to title it. Some of the girls in Circle of Friends suggested perhaps using one of the names that we didn't use for that group.....since I was so insistent on using Circle of Friends because of Jim. Well, DUH, he can't be a SISTER......he's a guy! :-)

Sooooo, maybe book #3 should be titled Sisters of the Heart? I have to think about that. The 3 sisters are considered the Sacred Ones........perhaps Sacred Sisters of the Heart? I just don't KNOW......

I have about a half a page left in Chapter 23, and then I think I have about 2 chapters left in Book 3, and voila'! It will be done!!! Then, it's on to Book 4.........Evan's book. And yes, I have that started somewhat, already.......

July 18, 2008 2 pm --- Margaret's first post

I've never blogged before, and it's been something that I've been wanting to learn to do. Today's just as good a day as any, I suppose.

I will be keeping track of things like the progress of various books in here, and whether or not I pick up any freelance jobs at various sites. Perhaps I can help others with their writing goals, too. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

All friends are welcome,